It’s the month of Peridot, that beautiful green stone that August babies can brag about as being their birthstone, but sometimes you want something completely unique. Whilst the well-known green gemstones sparkle and dazzle, sometimes having a story about something a little different makes your piece that little bit more special.
Take a look at some of the examples we are featuring here: an incredible peridot ring, a demantoid garnet pendant, and one loose green diamond.
Of course we’re featuring a peridot since it is the traditional birthstone for August. Peridot can alter its color somewhat depending on the percentage of iron in the crystal structure, meaning its intensity and tint may vary from yellow to olive, to brown/green.
The origin of the name Peridot is somewhat uncertain. Variations of the name exist in the Middle English Dictionary, including peridod, peritot, pelidad, pilidad, though some believe its name comes from Latin “paederot”. Peridot gemstones are also known for their ability to protect their wearer, not only from physical harm, but are also said to provide mental stability and inner-peace.
As a bonus to you, this month we are offering a 15-25% select in-store peridot jewelry! A perfect gift for you or any August baby in your circle.
Our second featured item is an incredible demantoid pendant. This is the green variety of andradite garnet, meaning demantoids are primarily green, but the shade can range from yellowish green to nearly the color of a fine emerald. The demantoid variety was discovered around 1868 in Russia’s western central Ural Mountains, so it is a more modern gemstone than traditional garnets which have been a prized gemstone for centuries.
And who could ever forget a green diamond? You heard right: a green diamond! You probably know about a few colored diamonds, like the pinks, but diamonds occur in a variety of colors, including blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink to purple, brown, and even black. Colored diamonds contain some different elements in them or even structural differences that cause the unique coloration. 100% pure diamonds are perfectly transparent and colorless, and whilst pure diamond is very valuable, some colors can also have an added value due to their rarity.
So, this month, Peridot is the traditional green gemstone but remember that there are always options. Jewelry is about creativity and choice, so feel free to look outside the (jewelry) box sometimes, and you’ll find some incredible options. We’re here to help you find the perfect gift for either yourself or someone else, so be sure to stop in and see us in the store soon!